Our Flagship Products

Awes by nature’s priceless gift

A tropical paradise, the Philippines is truly blessed with some of the richest biodiversity of flora and fauna, many of which are endemic to the country. Its unique terrestrial habitat contains more than 10,000 species of plants that can only be found in this Asian natural sanctuary. The isolation of the Philippines from the rest of Asia explains its unique biodiversity and endemism surpassing other well-known biodiverse regions.
Such floristic richness has made the Philippines a home to many native superfoods, the health and medicinal values of which have been proven generations over. In the heart of this abundance is the tree of life—The COCONUT—christened to be so because of the multitude of food and non-food by-products derived from its various parts. The coconut plays a vital role in creating a global healthy ecosystem from stabilizing the soil to purifying the air to supporting the wildlife to providing essential food. Undoubtedly, its popular, delicious, versatile, and nutritious fruit is a source of many health benefits.
For years, Filipino dishes have been made by making use of whatever ingredients they can find around the places. And since coconut is naturally and well grown in the country, it has become part of Filipino life as food, and livelihood, too. Coconut oil for one is a common kitchen sight in Filipino homes. As a leading coconut producer, the Philippines is the biggest exporter of coconut oil in the world. Traditionally and for ages, Filipinos used to make coconut oil manually by grating and squeezing the coconut meat and heating the coconut milk until the oil came out of it not only for cooking but for medical care, hair and skin nourishment, and more. While machine-processed coconut oil is readily available in supermarkets today, there are still Filipinos who make coconut oil the customary way.
But there is more to coconut oil.
Inspired by wonder within wonder

The rosy yields of coconut oil, especially its health usefulness, has given birth to a super supplement from this superfood in the form of COCONUT MCT OIL.
Normally people tend to eat foods rich in carbohydrates including sugars to sustain the energy that the body and brain need. The result is not only a bigger shape and weight in us but also illnesses that come with certain foods and eating too much of them. And we thought that this is where we can make something better for the people.
Most dietary sources of fat such as fish, avocado, nuts, seeds, and olive oil are mainly comprised of Long Chain Triglycerides or LCTs. However, scientists have found good fats in coconut oil called Medium Chain Triglycerides or MCTs that have many health benefits. MCTs are rapidly digested and absorbed by the body making them a fast energy source. And science seems not weary in unraveling the goodness of MCT oil from weight loss to brain fuel to fighting diseases. And the list of benefits goes on and on and on.
But we know that NOT ALL Coconut MCT oils are created equal.
Moved by end to make a difference

While they belong to a class, MCTs are of different types, properties, and functions. Coconut oil boosts with 4 MCTs: Caproic Acid, Caprylic Acid, Capric Acid, and Lauric Acid. Because of its unpleasant taste and smell, Caproic is typically removed during production. Caprylic and Capric go straight to the liver and are easily digested and absorbed by the body. However, Lauric behaves more like an LCT in terms of its slow digestion and absorption.
With these and more in mind, we extracted only the more premium quantity of MCT—The CAPRYLIC ACID—which is only about 7% in coconut oil. Caprylic Acid or C8 is the most efficient MCT Oil in terms of quick, sustained and longer energy for brain and body, increased focus and productivity, healthy immune system, among other benefits it is now known for. It is found to have the highest net ketogenic effect or the ability to burn fat and calories because it is 3X more ketogenic than Capric and about 6X more ketogenic than Lauric.
Now, we are confident that we can serve the people with a super supplement designed to meet the rigors of life, the active lifestyle, and even the simplicity of life with ENJOY HEALTH COCONUT PURE C8 MCT Oil and MCT Powder